Donald J. Trump Library
There are many reasons to visit the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library.
- scholarly research
- telling your kids about ‘before’
- trying to understand historical context

Whatever your reasons, the administrative staff at the Presidential Library will make it their life’s mission to make your visit educational and inspiring.
In fact, for some of the staff who served Trump directly, it’s a condition of their parole!
Play the Prosecutor
History has judged the former President to be criminally negligent in the death of thousands of American citizens, morally bankrupt in treatment of immigrants, and vastly amoral in race relations in empowering white nationalism.
With our Criminal Records Room, you can do the research on how YOU would prosecute Trump’s crimes against humanity!
Currently Available
“A silent film which represents the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) as a heroic force necessary to preserve American values and a white supremacist social order.”
(Movie Night at the Alt-Right Auditorium)
An Administration of Unprecedented Scandal
This is just a sampling of the highlights from the Trump Administration covered in the Presidential Library Archives. See the Exhibitions for more details.

The Escalator
Trump comes down escalator to declare both his candidacy for the Presidency and his view that many Mexicans are rapists.
Access Hollywood Tape
In a shocking breach of decorum, Candidate Trump is caught on tape being wildly inappropriate and sexist with the on camera team at ``Access Hollywood``. While this would normally sink a candidate of the religious right, pastors across the country defended the twice divorced adulterer.
Trump University
Single handedly steals money from the working class on a straight grift. A sign of things to come in the Trump Administration.
Muslim Ban
In an order crafted by Trump strategist Stephen Miller, the Trump Administration sought to ban immigrants from countries that housed primarily Muslim people. No word on how that affects white europeans willing to sleep with Trump.
Family Separation
In a move of shocking cruelty, the Trump Administration makes the decision to separate immigrant children from their parents at the United States border.
Firing Comey
After asking for personal ``loyalty`` and being refused, Trump sacks Comey to install a loyalist as FBI director in order to ease pressure on investigations into collusion between the 2016 campaign and foreign agents.
Unite the Right
At a rally designed to protest the removal of confederate monuments, agents of the Alt-Right, Neo-Nazis, and White Nationalists converged on Charlottesville, Virginia to flex their ideological muscle under a resurgent racial supremacist movement. Trump's statement gave false equivalency to the protesters and counter-protesters, saying there were ``very fine people on both sides``.
Stormy Daniels
Trump likes to be spanked, too bad he gave Ms. Clifford $129,250 more for a little paddling than he gave the U.S. Treasury in Federal Income Tax most years...
Jamal Khashoggi
Veteran Washington Post reporter Jamal Khashoggi was assassinated, likely by Saudi Arabian crown prince Mohammed bin Salman. The Trump administration never faltered in their support of the royal family, potentially due to MBS' ties to Kushner.
Ukraine Scandal
Trump attempted to blackmail Ukraine, by withholding aid, into providing dirt about former Vice President Joe Biden. Transcripts show that Trump’s decision to award aid would be contingent on Ukraine doing him a 'favor'.
Paris Climate Accord Withdrawal
“Abandoning the Paris agreement is cruel to future generations, leaving the world less safe and productive,” Andrew Steer, president of the World Resources Institute, said in a statement. “It also fails people in the United States, who will lose out on clean energy jobs, as other nations grab the competitive and technological advantages that the low-carbon future offers.”
Impeached Part I
On charges of Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress, President Donald J. Trump was impeached in the House of Representatives by a vote of 228-193 on December 18th 2019 and acquitted in the Senate in February 2020.
Failed Covid-19 response
When not supporting unproven drugs, ignoring CDC advice on masks, or running super spreader events, the Trump administration actively cast doubt on state efforts to combat the disease resulting in tens of thousands of excess deaths.
'Losers' + 'Suckers'
After receiving five deferments from the Vietnam draft (4 for education, 1 for 'bone spurs'), President Trump piled on his insults of Senator McCain and Gold Star families by skipping a visit to a cemetery of American war dead filled with 'suckers'.
After years of Trump choosing to dodge Presidential disclosure norms, the New York Times released a blistering report outlining just how little he paid in federal taxes. Under audit? More like under water...
Trump catches COVID
After having a super spreader event at the Rose Garden to dance on Justice Ginsberg's grave, Trump and much of his inner circle came down with Covid right before his first tussle with Biden. He may have been infected during the debate, but he still refuses to release the date of his last negative test, opening himself to charges of dangerous negligence.
Migrant Children Lost
Lawyers appointed by a federal judge to identify migrant families who were separated by the Trump administration say that they have yet to track down the parents of hundreds of children and that about two-thirds of those parents were deported to Central America without their children.
Subverting the Count
Once it became apparent that former Vice President Biden had not only won, but had a clear path to 270 electoral votes, President Trump took to the stage in the twilight hours to cast doubt on the validity of an American election with allegations of fraud and theft, even prior to the full vote being counted. A move that would have made an aspiring dictator proud, and a dark day for the republic.
Storming of the Capitol
On January 6th, the day that the legislature gathered to certify President-Elect Joe Biden's convincing electoral college win, President Trump attended the ``Stop The Steal`` rally, and inflamed his most diehard MAGA supporters to storm the Capitol, resulting in the first armed breach of the building since 1814, over two centuries. With months of overheated and deceitful rhetoric resulting in injuries and death, this event provides a terrible closing argument to the corrosiveness of Trump's tenure and the MAGA movement. (Photo: Tyler Merbler)
Social Media Goes Dark
Just days after the insurrection at the Capitol, at least partially inspired by President Trump's rhetoric and tweets, social media platforms across the spectrum either banned or restricted Trump's access. Facebook, Youtube, and even Twitter made this move as a hedge against future incitement of domestic terrorism. Without his favored medium to convince and influence his base, this move raised the question of how his post-Presidency media presence would look. Discussions about the use of media platforms and free expression dominated the discourse in an environment where services such as Parler were de-platformed and institutions such as banks and the PGA tour cut their ties with Trump.
Impeached Part II
On a single charge of Incitement of Insurrection, President Donald J. Trump was impeached in the House of Representatives by a vote of 232-197 (with 10 GOP members voting Yes) on January 12th, 2021. Trial in the Senate is pending a new Democratic led Senate in 2021. This makes Trump the first president to be impeached twice, and the first to potentially face a Senate trial after his term ends.
FBI search of Mar-A-Lago
On August 8, 2022, the FBI executed a search warrant at the president’s residence to recover classified documents that were allegedly in his possession unlawfully. DOJ subpoenaed footage shows boxes moved out of storage, with the DOJ stating that records were likely “concealed and removed” to block investigation. Allegedly. over 13,000 government documents were removed, with some being about highly sensitive matters such on nuclear and national security interests.
Former POTUS Arrested
On April 4th, 2023, Donald Trump became the first former President to be criminally arraigned in United States history. With a multi-count felony indictment now in play in ``The People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump``, this is the most serious criminal jeopardy a former head of state has faced in America since potentially Richard Nixon. With other potential criminal and civil cases under investigation (including Georgia election interference, Federal document mishandling, and civil sexual assault), this case might come to represent the first step in a long legal reckoning of Trump's actions and legacy.
Former POTUS Arrested... Federally
On July 13th, 2023, Donald Trump became the first former President to be *Federally* criminally arraigned in United States history. With a second multi-count felony indictment now in play in ``The United States v. Donald J. Trump``, Trump's already deep legal jeopardy gets worse. Unlike the New York State case, which involves an admittedly less serious crime (paying off an adult film actress), this case alleges that Trump treated classified documents so carelessly to have endangered national security. (photo: Jud McCranie)
Former POTUS Arrested... Federally... Again
On August 1st, 2023, a Federal grand jury approved an indictment for Donald Trump for conspiracy to defraud the United States for his actions regarding the January 6th insurrection. Thus Donald J. Trump became the first former President to be *TWICE* Federally criminally arraigned in United States history. With a third multi-count felony indictment now in play in ``The United States v. Donald J. Trump (II: The Revenge)``, his already insane legal jeopardy gets truly dire. This criminal case is the most serious to date as it charges Trump with a historic conspiracy to disenfranchise millions of Americans
Former POTUS' first mugshot
On August 24th, 2023, Donald J. Trump turned himself in to Fulton County Jail to surrender and post bond on a 13 count indictment, included racketeering and soliciting a public officer to violate their oath. Thus Donald J. Trump became the first former President to have a ``mugshot`` taken. With a fourth multi-count felony indictment now in play in ``The State of Georgia v. Donald J. Trump``, we see a shift in his legal jeopardy as he can NOT be federally pardoned in a state case. In a twist, Trump also used a bail bondsman, an odd decision for someone with a (claimed) net worth in the billions. No news yet on if this is merely a viral marketing scheme for a ``Bad News Bears`` reboot...
47th President
Early Wednesday morning on November 6th, 2024, the American people elected a 34 time convicted felon who was found civilly liable of sexual assault to be our 47th president. The American people wanted the monster, and by God, they will get him. (photo by Michael Vadon, CC license)Rooftop COVID Cemetery
Adjacent to the rooftop Autocrats Gallery and the Felon’s Lounge cocktail bar, the Library has added a green roof that doubles as a coronovirus cemetery for VIPs in Trump’s orbit who fell ill and died of this horrible disease. It’s a cold reminder to wear your masks in time of pandemic, follow medical advice from reputable sources, and try to respect the health of others.
May all laid to rest here have peaceful slumber.