11/30/20 Voting Results
Final Results for the Inaugural Class
< Voting Closed 11/30/20: Below is for record >
We gather here to select our inaugural “Hall of Enablers” class for enshrinement. While it is impossible to collect all of the incompetents, grifters, and outright criminals that the Trump presidency has brought to our attention, our nominating committee has cut it to 45 initial nominees in seven categories.
The categories are:
- Media (1 selection)
- Institutions / Organizations (1 spot)
- Senators (2 spots)
- House of Representatives (1 spot)
- Governors (1 spot)
- Administration / Executive Branch (2 spots)
- Gadfly Division (1 spot)
This allows for a class of 9 initial honorees, with a 10th being selected as the highest vote getter by percentage that did not earn a guaranteed spot.
Voting directions are as follows, and you have two options:
- “Big Hall” voters should vote as many as are worthy of eventual enshrinement.
- “Little Hall” voters should only vote for their selection(s) in the category and no on the others.
Understand that we will select the winners by Percentage and NOT Overall Votes.
With that in mind, choose wisely. Voting closes at noon ET on Monday 11/30/20 (extended from the previous date of Saturday 11/28).
< Voting Closed 11/30/20: Below is for record >
Why settle for reality, when you can simply fabricate your own?
(x1) Inductee:
These people have poisoned the civil discourse.

Rupert Murdoch + Roger Ailes
Fox News
“America’s first family of disinformation” – Peter Maass

Mark Burnett
“Burnett helped make Trump presentable and famous to large swaths of the country, and Trump rode that fame to the White House” – Luke Darby

Sean Hannity
Fox News
“Hannity claimed the election was the culmination of a four-year “all out assault against a duly elected president” and cited disinformation and conspiracy theories being spread by Trump and his other allies” – Ron Dicker

Fox And Friends
Fox News
“Trump gets up and watches ‘Fox & Friends’ and thinks these are his friends. He thinks anything on Fox is friendly. But the problem is he gets unvetted ideas.” – Charlie Black

Erick Erickson
The Resurgent
“In 2016, we knew who the Democrats were and were not sure of who Donald Trump was. Now we know both and I prefer this President to the alternative.” – Erickson
Build a brand based on beliefs, forsake said beliefs for transactions
(x1) Inductee:
Institutions and foundations help steer American society… in this case, into a ditch.

Fox News
Right Wing Media
“Cowardice in the face of dissent has been the defining principle of the Trump presidency, from the early morning when Trump pops on Fox & Friends for his daily pep talk until late at night when Sean Hannity tucks him into bed. Fox News is now like a Disney Channel that has decided its main purpose is to make Mickey Mouse feel better about his disapproval ratings.” – Jason Sattler

National Rifle Association
Arming Dangerous White People Everywhere
“A passing glance at his record makes this abundantly clear. From the earliest days of the Trump campaign, to his response to tragedy after tragedy, the NRA has clearly bought and paid for the right to dictate gun policy to the President of the United States with an uncompromising and iron fist” – Robert Cotter

The Federalist Society
Helping place judges who like beer.
“Trump promised anti-choice judges, and he has made good on that threat. But while tapping judges who can be trusted to oppose the Supreme Court precedent of Roe v. Wade, he has also dredged up those who share a nasty disrespect for any individual rights that don’t flow from God or the barrel of a gun.” Elie Mystal

Focus on the Family
Two Corintinians
“Focus became one of the earliest comprehensive alternative news networks in the United States, helping to create the conditions necessary for the success of later incarnations of alternative media, such as Fox News and Breitbart,” – Susan B. Ridgely

American Conservative Union
Enabling a cult
“The environment that’s been created now is so hostile to anyone that has a different view. And particularly those of us who have taken principled stands against Donald Trump as conservatives,” Tara Setmayer
six year terms meet polarizing populations to empower spineless self indulgence
(x2) Inductees:
These senators took an oath, and promptly ignored that sh*t. People pay more attention to the iTunes user agreement than these guys pay to government oversight.

Lindsey Graham
“Anyone who watches politics closely has noticed the dramatic change in Graham over the last three years. He went from calling out Trump’s unfitness for office and palling around with “maverick” John McCain, to being one of the president’s chief enablers.” – Nancy LeTourneau

Mitch McConnell
“Perhaps America’s greatest misfortune is that these crises have emerged at a time when its leadership is maliciously dedicated to worsening them.” – Robert B. Reich

Ted Cruz
“Cruz has become one of Trump’s most feckless sycophants in Congress, continually debasing himself to curry favor with the man who mocked the appearance of Cruz’s wife and implied his father was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.” – Ryan Bort

Susan Collins
“She claimed he “learned a lesson” from impeachment. The lesson Donald Trump learned was that McConnell’s Senate will let him get away with anything.” – David Chase

Rand Paul
“Perhaps it was inevitable that Paul (who has described himself as “libertarian-ish”) and Trump (authoritarian-curious) would bond over their radical distrust of the Republican establishment—an intellectual strain that Trump helped move from the far right into the mainstream.” – Tina Nguyen

Tom Cotton
“Trump does have the power to do so under the Insurrection Act. But the dire consequences of doing so is why sober supporters of constitutional order ranging from Mattis to conservative law professor John Yoo to Trump’s own secretary of defense, Mark Esper, oppose it. The president should listen to them rather than the avid, skull-cracking moralist from Arkansas before playing commander-in-chief with American citizens cast as enemy combatants suitable for being put to death.” – Ed Kilgore

Kelly Loeffler
(Insider Trading)
‘Yeah, no, look, this president is fighting for America,” adding that she will always stand by Trump.

Rick Scott
““With few exceptions, their craven public silence has helped enable Trump’s most grievous conduct — including undermining and discrediting the U.S. electoral system,” – Carl Bernstein

Marco Rubio
On calls from Trump to have foreign powers investigate Biden: “I think he did it to provoke you to ask me and others and get outraged by it. He plays it like a violin and everybody falls right in, that’s not a real request.”

Chuck Grassley
This site wishes the Senator a full and quick recovery from Covid-19.
House Members
gerrymander districts, indulge fringe conspiracy theories, and the result is elected officials that belong in a padded room.
(x1) Inductee:
From yelling Benghazi for years, to using intelligence information to protect a corrupt president, these yahoos are unfit for gainful employment, making them model congressional members.

Jim Jordan
“Jordan’s crimes don’t involve felonies, but they inflict far more harm. They are crimes against America, crimes involving total disregard for the principles of democracy, trampling the truth on behalf of a corrupt president who revels in his inhumanity.” – Brent Larkin

Devin Nunes
“Nunes of Tulare is sheltered in a relatively safe Republican district, and may believe he will pay no political price for unfairly attacking law enforcement and protecting Trump. But his performance as chairman of the highly sensitive House Intelligence Committee has been nothing short of embarrassing.” – Editorial Board of Sacramento Bee

Kevin McCarthy
“McCarthy is a staunch ally of Trump and held out hope that the election results could be materially changed in the president’s favor, citing a recount by hand in Georgia and a close race in Arizona.
“Let’s let all of them carry out,” he said of races with contested legal challenges and recounts. “And yeah, some of them could switch.”” – Chris Marquette

Matt Gaetz
“Gaetz claimed the push for impeachment testimony from people like John Bolton and Lev Parnas is an attempt by Democrats “to keep the show lively because they know that the underlying facts do not support impeachment and would require this president to be exonerated.” – Jim Thompson

Louis Gohmert
“During one hearing amid the Russia probe, Gohmert expressed concern that “another socialist like Hitler” could rise to power and abuse the Justice Department’s authority — a remark that was rebuked by Democrats.” – Melanie Zanona
Running government like a business... and that business is multi-level marketing
(x1) Inductee:
Pledged to protect their state citizens, instead protecting the messaging whims of a weak president at the expense of their residents.

Ron DeSantis
“Just for a minute, wrest yourself free from the Trump-DeSantis fantasy of an America where the nasty virus is just a bad memory, the bars are open, the flag is waving, and football is ON, baby!
Lately, Florida is averaging 2,500 COVID-19 cases per day; our economy is suffering a $2.7 billion shortfall; state agencies have to cut their budgets by 8.5 percent. Education, conservation, health care, programs for the poor, the elderly, and children will all take a hit.” – Diane Roberts 9/15/2020

Kristi Noem
“While the statistics are clear – the virus is running wild in South Dakota – Noem has turned a public health emergency into an issue of “freedom” and “liberty”, consistently lying about the trajectory of the disease under her watch.” – Ed Pilkington

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick
“Republican Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick on Tuesday offered up to $1 million in defense of President Donald Trump’s unsupported claims of irregularities in the U.S. presidential election, saying he would pay out rewards for information that leads to voter fraud arrests and convictions.” – Associated Press

Brian Kemp
“The governor has demonstrated a willingness to defer to the president instead of his own constituents, sacrifice Georgians’ safety to snipe at his political foes, and shore up his own power at the expense of democracy. In short, Kemp is a wannabe authoritarian, and millions of Georgians have suffered as a result, with no end in sight.” – Amanda Mull

Kevin Stitt
“the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should open a coronavirus museum at its Atlanta campus, including a research library so that future generations can recoil at the staggering incompetence and maliciousness with which leaders addressed the pandemic.
And a wing should be named after Gov. Kevin Stitt, complete with a bronze bust of the governor, unmasked with his mouth hanging open.” – George Lang
Why worry about foreign interference, when it's inside the white house?
(x2) Inductees:
The fawning, the incompetent, and the useless. Truly the best people.

Bill Barr
“Barr was once seen as a potential check on Trump’s overt desire to take command of the justice department, deploying its investigators and prosecutors at his whim and his will. But this week, critics warn, the attorney general has been revealed as an eager accomplice in eroding norms meant to insulate the criminal justice system from political interference, threatening the bedrock principle of equality before the law.” – Tom McCarthy

John Bolton
“Bolton, as Trump’s national security adviser, had a front-row seat to all this — and apparently much more — so Congress asked him to testify. Rather than putting his duty to our nation and its Constitution first, as Vindman did, Bolton refused to appear, ostensibly because the same president he’s now trashing in his book hadn’t authorized him to do so.” – Eric Swalwell

John Kelly
“Kelly has from the start identified himself as a yes-man, an outspoken and over-the-top Trump loyalist. He announced during a February House Homeland Security Committee oversight session that “I work for one man. His name is Donald Trump.” Translation: Even if Kelly disagrees with a policy, even if he has doubts about whether Trump is doing the right thing, he is not going to share those anxieties with the members of Congress who are charged with overseeing the executive branch.” – John Nichols

Kellyanne Conway
“Your wife is an enabler. Your wife is a cheerleader. What kind of game do you think you’re playing?” Larry Brooks asked George Conway
“She’s both but that doesn’t mean I’m playing a game,” Conway replied.

Jeff Sessions
“Do not be fooled by Trump’s purported adversarial relationship with the U.S. attorney general for recusing himself from the Russia investigation. The men are cut from the same bigoted cloth. And neither could survive without the other.” – Dahleen Glanton

Kayleigh McEnany
“Speaking to media on Monday night in her “personal capacity” during what she said was a campaign event at the Republican National Committee headquarters, McEnany said Republicans want “every legal vote to be counted, and every illegal vote to be discarded”, prompting the conservative Fox News network to stop broadcasting the briefing.” – Helen Sullivan

Mike Pence
“Mike Pence might think of himself as an altruist or a hero. He’s an accomplice.”

Mark Meadows
“…hammering away at Cohen as an operative caught lying turned snitch. Meadows wasted his opening, demanding the hearing be shut down for not giving Republicans Cohen’s statement soon enough. It was quickly voted down. He waved papers threateningly without ever putting them into evidence. Much of the questioning went down a rabbit hole.” – Margaret Carlson

Mike Pompeo
“when asked about the Trump team’s delay in aiding a smooth transition to a Biden administration, Pompeo went even further, coyly responding, “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.” The line was greeted with stunned silence by the gathered reporters but quickly elicited fiery reactions on social media.” – Neil J. Young

Sarah Huckabee Sanders
“To be fair, representing the Trump administration would put any press secretary in a tough spot. … Sometimes Sanders got caught toeing the line for the administration. Other times, there seemed to be no good reason for lying at all.” – Alex Lubben
too incompetent to be within the actual administation.
(x1) Inductee:
The bench, the reserves, the B team.
The foot soldiers who either couldn’t handle their stair turn, or simply never got one.
Grifters, oddities, felons. The best people.

Steve Bannon
“Give Bannon credit: The alleged fraud perfectly captures the cynicism and self-dealing among leaders of the American right at this moment. As the president seeks reelection, the moral rot of Trump and his retinue has spread to the core.” – Dana Milbank

Rudy Giuliani
“After he’s careened from one embarrassment to another, the big question is: Why does anybody still believe anything Rudy Giuliani says or does? He’s the only person in public life today with less credibility than Donald Trump.” – Bill Press

Jerry Falwell Jr
“Jerry Falwell Jr. endorsed Donald Trump early, before the 2016 Iowa caucus, and in the years since, he’s become one of the president’s most ardent evangelical defenders. The Liberty University president blamed a Republican establishment “conspiracy” for the leak of the Access Hollywood tapes and appeared on CNN to assure viewers that Trump was a “changed man.” He later praised the president’s response to the racist rally in Charlottesville, said Trump wouldn’t need to apologize publicly for any extramarital affairs, and defended family separation at the border as “tough love.”” – Ruth Graham

Chris Christie
“Today, Republicans who grasp Trump’s shortcomings, as Christie demonstrably does, have a moral obligation to oppose his renomination. Those who don’t try are complicit hereafter in the very worst things that Trump does. Verbally scolding him is not nearly enough.” – Conor Friedersdorf

Roger Stone
“Of course, Stone likely won’t serve his full hitch, because Trump and Barr know that without a pardon Stone will squeal like a rat in a blender, proving that Trump lied to Mueller and about the details of the Trump-Stone-WikiLeaks connections. Stone sure as hell deserves his time in the graybar hotel for reasons of both ordinary and moral justice, and Judge Berman-Jackson has also likely had enough of Stone’s weapons-grade bullshit and may treat the revised DOJ sentencing letter as the political trash it is.” – Rick Wilson
Thank you for voting, some closing notes:
- There were omissions, again, due to the insane deluge of felonious behavior from those in the Trump orbit, we either forgot or ran out of room for many, so feel free to nominate them for future classes (cough, Stephen Miller)
- If you like the work, go visit the grift shop or donation pages (links to Warnock/Ossoff there).
Thanks for helping us pick the inaugural Hall of Enablers class!