From their delectably chubby cheeks to their tasty little toes, babies are cute enough to eat. But that doesn’t mean you want your tot covered in actual edibles! Turn potential messes into a masterpiece with a super-soft baby bib.
What do toddlers and the 45th President have in common? Well, besides throwing tantrums, lying to stay out of trouble, and being fascinated with bodily functions like urine, they hate vegetables and love junk food, as evidenced by one of 45’s most famous tweets.
When you are feeding your little one the same food that please’s Trump’s palate, this bib will provide you with a small chuckle while you duck a child throwing food, be it on OANN or at your own table.
Hamberders not included.
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Zazzle Black
From their delectably chubby cheeks to their tasty little toes, babies are cute enough to eat. But that doesn’t mean you want your tot covered in actual edibles! Turn potential messes into a masterpiece with a super-soft baby bib.