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grift shop

at the presidential library

“Lock Him Up” Key Chain


Ever wonder about the thrill of large MAGA crowds wanting to Lock Them Up? Why can’t you enjoy the same rush? Now you can.


Whenever you park your hippy, Green New Deal loving hybrid electric car to shop at the local farmer’s market to buy locally sourced produce and discuss your manifesto, you too can unleash your inner Trump cultist yowl!



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One year at $9.99/year. Free Trial Available!




Never leave home without this custom circle keychain.

  • Dimensions: 1.5″ x 2.75″

Tue ‒ Sun: 10am ‒ 08pm
Mon: closed

Adults (Citizens): $25
Adults (Seniors): $10
Adults (Immigrants): $50
Children & Students: free

1 MAGA Lane
Nogales, AZ 85621